Your Brand
Our members are looking to stay on top of the latest technology, products, and business models and want to hear directly from top industry vendors about how you can help their business and increase their bottom line.
TTA 2024 Media Kit
The Transportation Alliance is excited to offer various opportunities to engage with our members through advertising in its publications, e-blasts, and vendor-sponsored webinars. Our media kit includes packages for all 2024 advertising opportunities within TTA. If you have any questions as you look through these forms, please call the TTA office at 301-984-5700 or email us at info@thetransportationalliance.org.
What We Offer
Transportation Insights provides all TTA members with the latest news on important developments affecting the industry, including legislative, legal, operations, technology and other key issues. Each issue will link to approximately seven articles. Insights is issued once per month, 12 times per year.
TTA’s website is a vital destination for industry personnel looking to stay engaged and informed. It provides leading decision-makers and innovators with the tools they need to help their companies and industry be more competitive... and it offers you the chance to tell them how you can help!
Attendance is free for TTA members. This highly informative series provides access to important topics in for-hire transportation. TTA’s Webinar Series is where members can learn directly from top industry vendors like you about how you can help their business and increase their bottom line. We offer one vendor-sponsored webinar per month and include a 20-30 minute presentation followed by an interactive question-and-answer period.
TTA has email addresses for U.S.-based fleet owners, managers and other key personnel in its database that we use for our membership, event and other promotions. Our list is as fresh as possible and now, it is available to you in the form of an e-blast. An e-blast is an email written by you that we send on your behalf to our list of U.S.-based operator personnel.
Our highest rated publication, Media Watch provides all members with summaries of, and links to, published media articles on timely and relevant industry news. The newsletter is issued two or three times per week, approximately 100 times per year.
A program where TTA member vendors offer significant special discount offers to TTA operator members.
Transportation Insights
The Transportation Alliance (TTA) publishes a monthly e-newsletter, providing members with the latest information regarding the taxicab, limousine, sedan service, shuttle, paratransit, and non-emergency medical segments of the for-hire passenger transportation industry. We offer a variety of advertising options, all with discounts available if you prepay by January 16, 2024 for your 2024 ads.
Transportation Insights provides all TTA members with the latest news on important developments affecting the industry, including legislative, legal, operations, technology, and other key issues. Each issue will link to approximately seven articles. Transportation Insights is issued once per month, 12 times per year.
Ads: TTA can accept up to four ads in each issue of Insights. Ads are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and are tiered based on their location within the newsletter and within the articles on the website. Preference will be given to 2024 Associate members who contract for a banner ad for all 12 issues in the calendar year.
Please see the below table with a breakdown of the cost per ad per issue based on the location within the newsletter:
Website Advertising
The Transportation Alliance's website is a vital destination for industry personnel looking to stay engaged and informed. It provides leading decision-makers and innovators with the tools they need to help their companies and industry be more competitive...and it offers you the chance to tell them how you can help!
Below are a few pages on the TTA website that are open for advertisements:
TTA Homepage
Quantity: One ad on the homepage of The Transportation Alliance's newly redesigned website.
Fees: $3,740 for the Full-Year Special or $1,100 per quarter
This landing page keeps visitors—members, and non-members—up to date on TTA’s innovative educational and networking opportunities. It also serves as a gateway to past events, demonstrating to industry professionals the scope of what TTA has to offer.
Quantity: One ad appearing on the Meetings & Education landing page
Fees: $3,740 per ad per the Full-Year Special or $1,100 per ad per quarter
Webinar Series
Attendance is free for The Transportation Alliance’s (TTA) members. This highly informative series provides access to important topics in for-hire transportation. TTA members are looking to stay on top of the latest technology, products, and business models to maximize safety and efficiency. TTA’s Webinar Series is where members can learn directly from top industry vendors like you, how you can help their business and increase their bottom line.
Each webinar is promoted to our members and recorded and presented with supporting materials in our members-only Resource Center.
We are only offering one vendor-sponsored webinar per month, so availability is limited. All webinars are scheduled to last for up to one hour, during which you should plan on delivering a 20–30-minute presentation, and then moving into an interactive question-and-answer period.
The fee to host a webinar is $500. If you have any additional questions, please contact TTA at 301-984-55700 or at info@TheTransportationAlliance.org.
Partner Emails
The Transportation Alliance (TTA) has email addresses for U.S. and Canadian-based fleet owners, managers, and other key personnel in its database that we use for our membership, events, and other promotions. We add new addresses frequently and regularly update or delete those that produce bouncebacks. Our list is as fresh as possible and now, it is available to you in the form of a partner email.
A partner email is written by you that we send on your behalf to our list of U.S.-based operator personnel. Each email includes our header and footer and is sent from the email address we use for all of our promotions.
A partner email for TTA members costs $400 per email. For non-members, it is $505 per email.
Media Watch
Our highest-rated publication, Media Watch provides all members with summaries of, and links to, published media articles on the timely and relevant industry news. The newsletter is issued twice weekly, approximately 100 times yearly.
For 2024, the price for this exclusive sponsorship is $2,100 per quarter ($8,400 annually). If taken for the full year, and prepaid, the fee is reduced by 15% for a total payment of $7,140 received by January 16, 2024.