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Image by Shapelined


The Transportation Alliance provides operators with memberships that empower them to adapt to today's challenging operating environment, lay foundations for the future and help shape the industry.


Associations, public sector entities and industry suppliers (known as "associates") benefit from membership experiences that provide insight into the full passenger-transportation-for-hire industry.


To check out what we have to offer, click on the category below that best describes your organization.

Membership Categories

For fleet operators and brokers located in the U.S., as well as nonprofit trade associations interested in joining as a U.S.-based fleet.​



For local, state, and international public sector entities, such as regulatory agencies interested in joining as a Public Sector member.

For fleet operators & brokers and nonprofit trade associations interested in joining as a fleet operating outside the U.S.


Nonprofit Trade 


For regional, state, & local nonprofit trade associations interested in joining as a trade association member.


For companies that sell products or services to passenger transportation companies.


Taxi On Road
Member Benefits

Your Road-Tested Membership Benefits


Actionable Intelligence

TTA members are more successful because they are better informed to make the right management decisions. They succeed by using TTA resources such as: access to Q&A with fellow operator members 24-7-365 thru TTA's online Workplace; timely access to vital issues affecting our industry in TTA's weekly Media Watch newsletter; key information and operational know-how in TTA's monthly Transportation Insights newsletter; access to TTA handbooks covering driver recruitment, how to track and use key performance indicators, and public relations issues; and in-person and online

information sharing at TTA conferences with exhibits, webinars and open house site visits.


National Leadership in Washington, D.C.

Members receive timely updates on federal legislative and regulatory developments via our Legislative Alert bulletin and newsletters, and have the opportunity to advance our industry's federal agenda by attending TTA's annual Legislative Fly-in to meet with your members of Congress. TTA has had important legislative victories on NEMT funding through Medicaid, and stopping the expansion of CDL requirements to smaller taxi, livery, NEMT and paratransit vehicles, and expect the U.S. Department of Labor's recent challenge to the independent contractor status of our industry's drivers to be a vear-long battle.





Savings with Vendor Partners

TTA has special relationships with our industry's key vendors covering your essential needs. Some of our vendor members offer special discounts such as the best national discount for auto parts in our members-only MVP program. Many of the vendors also exhibit at TTA two annual conferences

offering at show discounts, and they issue special notices to TTA members via TTA e-blasts. Whether you are looking for insurance, dispatch systems, auto parts, call center outsourcing, apps. back office software. routing software. vehicles. vehicle maintenance software. mobility platforms, accessibility equipment, advertising, training, or other needs, TTA vendor members are there for you.


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